“All Out of Love,” a memorable ballad by the British/Australian duo Air Supply, was released in 1980 as part of their album *Lost in Love*. This song, penned by Graham Russell and Clive Davis, captures the poignant emotional journey of a man who is trying to reconcile with the love of his life after a separation caused by his own mistakes. The heartfelt lyrics convey his deep regret and longing to mend their broken relationship.
The track achieved notable success in the United States, climbing to number two on the Billboard Hot 100. It narrowly missed the top spot, edged out by Diana Ross’s “Upside Down” and Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust.” Additionally, it reached number five on the Adult Contemporary chart. In the UK, the song performed well, reaching number 11 on the UK Singles Chart, making it their only top 40 hit in the country. In 2003, *All Out of Love* earned a spot at number 92 on VH1’s list of the “100 Greatest Love Songs,” reflecting its enduring popularity.
An interesting tidbit about the song’s history is that its original chorus was “I’m all out of love, I want to arrest you.” This version was changed to “I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you” to better resonate with American audiences, a change suggested by Clive Davis, who then received a songwriting credit.
The song is also notable for Russell Hitchcock’s impressive vocal performance, particularly his final note held for 16.2 seconds—a record for male pop singers until 1983.
Critics praised the song for its powerful chorus and emotional crescendo. Cash Box described it as having a “dynamite chorus,” while Record World referred to it as a “formula-perfect follow-up” to their earlier hit, “Lost in Love.”
The track features Russell Hitchcock on second lead vocals, Graham Russell on first lead vocals and guitar, Marcy Levy on backing vocals, and arrangements by Air Supply along with Robie Porter and Frank Esler-Smith.
I’m lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you ’til it hurts
I know you’re hurt too, but what else can we do?
Tormented and torn apart
I wish I could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low
It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn’t really know
Doesn’t really know
I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late to say that I was so wrong
I want you to come back and carry me home
Away from these long, lonely nights
I’m reaching for you, are you feeling it too?
Does the feeling seem oh so right?
And what would you say if I called on you now
And said that I can’t hold on?
There’s no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or I’ll be gone
I’ll be gone
I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late to say that I was so wrong
Oh, what are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
What are you thinking of?
I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late, I know I was so wrong
I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late, I know I was so wrong
I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you
I know you were right believing for so long
I’m all out of love, what am I without you?
I can’t be too late to say that I was so wrong
(I’m all out of love, I’m so lost without you, I know you were right)